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Jenny's hand writing the poem. Here is a poem for you, compiled from the words said by those who participated in the Global UnderScore last Saturday. The Small Dance The door swung open and all the chambers all the chambers of the heart that I have opened before opened opened to the human breezes and I was wracked with tears standing standing in the small dance all at the same time as the others like the Amidah like Tadasana like praying or like an eclipse everything was seen for what it was and I was reminded of Pompeii and how we don't take up much space at all we are really so small I turned the pages of faces that I have spent time with all over the world sometimes I remembered the name and it was sweet when I did and I was spreading out to them the progression of faces with threads connecting out something I haven't thought about in a long time I want in this century as a woman to have the surrender and the freedom allowed by a score. I want a life score. The ending was exactly what I imagined and it was so gleeful How did it happen? The wall was so outrageous and so right and I felt like the room tilted There are things that made that happen people made the commitment and people listened when people commit and people listen then things happen. When I perceived it, it was like a magnet some kind of magic happened that the constellation was something everyone could relate to disorganized energy organized into group mind and I don't remember how I even got there I just felt it behind me I abandoned what I was doing my senses clicked in and it was so rewarding! What made everything ever happen? As a species we are learning to have more telescoping awareness so that more cool things can happen and it's always happening we just have to tune in we can do the score by ourselves human breezes drifting through me Amidah Tadasana The small dance 6/23/07 --Written by Jenny Epstein and co-created by participantsPhotos by Adam J. Griff, Ph.D.