Welcome you are visitor number to Dr. Griff's Home Page. I have a bachelors degree and masters from Lehigh University in the formerly one department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I have a doctorate from University of Colorado at Boulder in Computer Science. My research area at CU Boulder was Heterogeneous Distributed Computing using an OO paradigm, to generate some ahhhhhhs. I designing a subsystem to improve efficiency of distributed applications including stock quotes, collaborative computing, the Virtual Planning Room(VPR) project for groupware activities. I stayed involved with universities via the Degreement - Student Advising System. An electronic advising system design to help students planning and evaluating their progress towards graduation.
The adage is true, school is never over as I pursue continued
knowledge and understanding in technical fields as well as Modern
Dance, Contact Improv, Photography, Culineary Arts, Healthcare, Environment, Activism, etc...