Instructor | Adam Jonathan Griff ( - The subject line must include CS4448) |
Course WebPage | |
Course Outline | Outline |
Office Hours | After class Tues/Thur 3:30 - 4:30 in ECCS 102 and by appointment. |
Text Book | Unified Objects Object-Oriented Programming using C++ by Babak Sadr a 1998 IEEE Computer Society Press book. Order #BP07733 - ISBN 0-8186-7733-3 |
Official Prerequisites | "CSCI 3155, Principles of Programming Languages (or expertise in a high-level programming language similar to C)" |
Course Overview | The focus of this course is on how to design and develop software systems using object oriented methodologies and languages. A heavy emphasis is placed on understanding OO design and implementing designs. |
Assignments | The course will include assignments in programming, design, and analysis. Assignments that do not conform to the format specified in the assignment risk receiving no credit. All programs in C++ must compile and run on Unix using GNU-G++ and all Smalltalk programs must file-in and run in Squeak(1.23). |
Exams | There will be 2 exams during the semester covering the material from the assignments. |
Final Project | A small final project(large final assignment) will be assigned. The final project will involve applying the principles of OO design and implementation. More information here. |
Class Participation | This class puts a large emphasis on interaction within the classroom. Including everyday discussions and one official presentation and discussion per student. Two students per week will give presentations during the semester. The presentation will cover material related to the current class discussion and come from external sources (journal publications, conference proceedings, etc.) Students must hand out the article being discussed to the class no later then the lecture before their talk. It is recommended that all students read the article. Arrangements can be made for the instructor to make the copies but sufficient time must be given. A students will be assigned to prepare discussion questions on another persons talk. No later then the following lecture, the student presenting must emailing an overview of the talk to the instructor in HTML format and the student leading the discussion must email an overview of the discussion that took place. |
Grading | Assignment and the final project count for 60% of your grade. The final project will have double the weight of the other assignments. The two exams count for 30% of your grade. The final 10% of your grade come from class participation and your presentation. The classes grades will be kept on-line. |
Due dates and lateness | Assignments are due on the day specified. Late assignments will not be accepted without the explicit permission of the instructor. Permission will not be granted without a good reason such as severe illness, death in the family, etc. |